yesterdays beach shots
We headed to the beach to be greeted by 7 Massey Ferguson's trying to mop up the aftermath and a nice 3, 4 ft beach brake. Now having caught a nasty lurgy last time I surfed a post hurricane swell you would have thought I should have learnt my like fool I headed out into the surf to be greeted by all manner of flotsam and jetsam. For example complete pallets, fishing nets, fishing lines, trees, shrubs, plastic boxes for freezing fish that trawlers use, plastic barrels, rubber cloves, bamboo, oil drums you name it and it was there.......I've never experienced this level of rubbish in the sea in my life I guess its a culmination of the large storm and the bay of Biscay circulating its pollution. Having ducked dived through large lumps of tumbling wood and having caught a hand full of waves I called it day.
We move onto to St Jean du Luz tomorrow, another beach break so if I,m not struck down with stomach issues Ill let you now what the water conditions are like 20km further up the coast.
Massey Ferguson's/beach brake is this surfer speak!?!?